Glen Scotia Victoriana Single Malt Whisky
750 ml
Each cask is chosen for its rare character and exceptional maturity.Finished in deep charred oak, the result is an exceptionally smoothsingle malt whisky whose aroma and flavour work in harmony. Bottled inthe traditional way straight from the cask and without filtration, itssubtle wood and vanilla flavour is enhanced by a full bodied spicy fruitaroma and mildly smokey aftertaste. An elegant nose with hints of oakdriving the bouquet. Interesting creme brule notes leading to generouscaramelized fruits and finally polished oak. Sweet and concentratedstart with some jammy blackcurrant fruitiness. A big mid palate. Typicaltightening towards the back palate. Becomes more austere with water.Clean and initially sweet finish. The green bean, with cocoacharacteristic.