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Privacy Policy


Collection, processing and use of personal data
In the context of contractual and pre-contractual relations,  VARLOSTYLE BEAUTY STORE processes personal data relating to the Customer and which may be useful or necessary for the purposes of managing these relations, preventing abuse and fraud, production of statistics and tests, litigation management. The Customer authorises  VARLOSTYLE BEAUTY STORE to carry out such processing of this data and acknowledges that  VARLOSTYLE BEAUTY STORE remains free to use the data concerning him in the performance of his activity, and this, in the absence of opposition, even for prospecting and marketing purposes. Personal data is collected when the customer enters it as part of the order, when opening the account or when subscribing to the newsletter. When subscribing to the newsletter, Subject to legal and regulatory requirements, the personal data thus collected is not intended to be communicated to third parties other than companies linked to  VARLOSTYLE BEAUTY STORE, as well as companies whose intervention is necessary to carry out the one of the foregoing purposes, including in particular our subcontractors, of which the Customer can obtain an updated list on request. The Customer has a right of access to information concerning him, as well as a right to rectify this information.
Cookies are small text files which are stored by the internet browser and which serve to make the overall internet presence more user-friendly, efficient and secure. Cookies do not harm the computer and do not contain viruses. The Customer can avoid the installation of Cookies through the appropriate settings within his Internet browser software. No personal data is collected through the Cookies used. Cookies record in particular the choice of parameters, such as the shopping cart or the list of favourites. In addition,  VARLOSTYLE BEAUTY STORE also uses Cookies for statistical purposes. VARLOSTYLE BEAUTY STORE points out that by blocking the installation of Cookies, it is possible that the Customer will not be able to take advantage of all the features offered by  VARLOSTYLE BEAUTY STORE.


Complaints must be sent:
- by email to 
 contact@varlostylebeautystore.com ; OR
- by post to the following address: 

Varlostyle Beauty Store, Shop No. 17 Centro Mall, KabulongaLusaka.

The Customer undertakes to examine the items delivered upon receipt. We assume no responsibility for any deterioration of the products after their delivery. No more complaints will be accepted beyond twenty-four hours following delivery. After this period, any delivery will be considered as conforming to the order. To benefit from an exchange or a refund, the Customer must return the damaged or non-compliant products to his order within 2 days of his complaint.
Returned items should be brought back to the Shop or be mailed to the following address:

Varlostyle Beauty Store

Shop No. 17

Centro Mall, Kabulonga


After this period, the complaint is considered withdrawn and the delivery accepted. 


VARLOSTYLE BEAUTY STORE (“we”) is committed to protecting and respecting your privacy.
By visiting www.varlostylebeautystore.com (“site”) or providing information about yourself, you have read and agree to this policy.
What data we collect from you
We may collect and process data that you provide to us on the Site by registering or by corresponding with us by telephone, e-mail or otherwise.
The information you give us may include your name, address, email address and telephone number.
Do we collect your IP address and cookies?
We may collect your IP address and browser type for the purposes of administering our systems and/or compiling statistics and without identifying any other individual information.
Internet browsers' default settings are usually set to accept cookies, but you can easily change this by changing your browser settings. However, please note that if you choose to disable cookies, some parts of our Materials may not be accessible.
How do we use your personal data?
We mainly use your personal data to be able to:
• adapt the content of the site;
• ensure that content from the Site is presented in the most enjoyable manner for you and for your computer or other device;
• to administer and manage the system in an adequate manner as well as to have statistics on browsing habits in order to develop our products;
• ensuring the security of our site.
Our site may have links to websites of our partners. If you open a link to one of these sites, please note that these websites have their own data protection policies and that we do not assume any responsibility for these policies.
Do we share your personal data?
We do not share your personal information without your prior consent, but we may do so in the following situations:
• if we are under a duty to disclose or share your personal data in order to comply with any legal obligation;
• when we believe there is an emergency, illegal activity or other reasonable basis for notifying the proper authority;
• where we use sub-contractors to provide the service. Such sub-contractor will only use your personal information for the purposes of providing such services;
• where you make a payment. We use payment processing services only through regulated payment or credit institutions. We have no access to your credit card or other financial information related to the transaction.
We take all steps reasonably necessary to ensure that your data is treated securely and in accordance with this policy.
We use enhanced security measures to ensure the safety of your personal information. In this perspective, we take the appropriate physical, technical and organizational measures to prevent as far as possible any alteration or loss of your data or any unauthorized access to it.
We aim to always keep your personal data in the safest and most secure way, and only for the time necessary to achieve the purpose pursued by the processing.
We ask that you do not share the password with anyone.
Access to information
You have rights of consultation, rectification and opposition, on your personal data collected and held by us. Your right of access may be exercised in accordance with the law. 
Modification of our policy
Any changes to our data protection policy will be posted on this page and, where appropriate, notified to you by e-mail, if necessary.
Questions, comments and requests are welcome and should be directed to contact@varlostylebeautystore.com
Version: 1 July 2023