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Complaints Procedure


Complaints must be sent:
- by email to 
 contact@varlostylebeautystore.com ; OR
- by post to the following address: 

Varlostyle Beauty Store, Shop No. 17 Centro Mall, KabulongaLusaka.

The Customer undertakes to examine the items delivered upon receipt. We assume no responsibility for any deterioration of the products after their delivery. No more complaints will be accepted beyond twenty-four hours following delivery. After this period, any delivery will be considered as conforming to the order. To benefit from an exchange or a refund, the Customer must return the damaged or non-compliant products to his order within 2 days of his complaint.
Returned items should be brought back to the Shop or be mailed to the following address:

Varlostyle Beauty Store

Shop No. 17

Centro Mall, Kabulonga


After this period, the complaint is considered withdrawn and the delivery accepted. Returns must be made in accordance with the Returns procedure.